About us
The ITALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY COUNCIL (CUN) is an elected body representing the Italian University System.
It serves as an independent source of advice and recommendations to Ministry of Education, University and Research on matters considered relevant to the University System, such as national programs, policies and administrative practices affecting Higher Education, classification and definition of academic fields and disciplines for the purposes of recruitment, teaching and research, funding issues, approval of University teaching regulations.
The Council is comprised of 58 members: forty-two of them are elected by the Professors and researchers, the others are designated by various sectors of the University system. Members serve for four year terms with a 8 years limitation. The current President is Andrea Lenzi, Professor of Endocrinology, Sapienza University of Rome. The names of the members are posted here
The National University Council has a single location in Rome at the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
CUN headquarters at the Ministry of Education
Meeting: CNPI- Viale Trastevere 76 / A-00153 Rome
CUN Presidency Secretariat: Via Carcani, 61 - 00153 Rome
Tel: +39 06 58497991-7992
Fax: +39 06 58497590